
Welcome! Let's get down to etiquette!

LDS Single Mingles Group Etiquette using Marco Polo.

Group Requirements
  • Do your introduction video within 24 hours of joining the group. Just pop in and say hi! Your Room Moderator will have introduced you to the group, and many are ready to welcome you! Keep it short and sweet. The basics of your name, location, some hobbies, how many kids should suffice.
  • You will participate by having an active conversation with members of your group at every 2 weeks. This does not mean you do a "Hi Guys, I'm alive" and disappear for 2 weeks. This group is about mingling and dating. You can't get to know anyone in this manner. So join in the fun!
  • You will do videos (aka polos) Not text blocks or photos to have a conversation.
  • If you find that you and one other person are going back and forth over 15 minutes, please private message/polo that member. Get to know them on a personal level. This prevents awkwardness when other members not included want to come in and socialize.
  • All Videos must adhere to LDS Standards (see For the Strength of the Youth pamphlet and Articles of Faith for guidelines)
  • Modest attire: Please be modest in your attire, no cleavage. Swimsuits, tank tops, etc are okay when in context of swimming or exercising. 
  • No poloing in towels or in your shower/tub. You can polo while you're getting ready as long as fully dressed.
  • Keep videos under 1-2 minutes unless it’s an announced and Admin sponsored LPD (Long Polo Day) Now that Marco Polo has a premium function, not everyone has the ability to skip or speed the messages. Please keep them short.
  • No Text “chatting” when you can't do a video. Use the "Voice" feature to display a photo.
  • Create a Text Block after you ask a question or start a new topic or question. This makes it easy for people to find out what current topics are.
  • You must display your real and full name in Polo Clubs.
  • If you go on vacation please put an “On Vacation” Graphic on your profile thumbnail so that Admins do not inadvertently remove you for inactivity.
  • Members will be removed for inactivity after 2 weeks and moved to the Break Room. You can do a Polo there when you've returned. 
  • All of the above applies to any events Single Mingles hosts or participates in and expectations of LDS Standards are adhered to at all times.